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Residential Fires

Texas Fire Loss Attorney Steve Ferrell handlesHouse Fire cases and residential fires.

Many older homes built in the 1960s and 1970s were built with aluminum wiring.  The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission has found that homes with aluminum wiring have an increased risk of fire from overheating. Another problem with older homes can be failing smoke detectors. Together, overheated aluminum wiring and failed smoke detectors can be a deadly combination.  Fires can start while residents are asleep, and, if the smoke detectors are not up to date and working, the results can be serious and sometimes deadly.  Fires which start at night while residents are asleep can be among the most dangerous fires and the most deadly because the smoke and flames spread while residents are sleeping. Smoke detectors are designed to rouse sleeping residents and get them out before the fire spreads.  Smoke detectors should be inspected and tested regularly to make sure that they function properly.

Aluminum wiring should be removed and replaced to prevent fire hazards.

Aluminum wiring and failing smoke detectors can result in fires which cause deaths, burns, serious injuries, and thousands of dollars in property damage.

Steve Ferrell of The Ferrell Law Firm, P.C. has extensive experience handling cases involving house fires. If you have been the victim of a house or residential fire caused by someone’s negligence, failed smoke detectors or faulty aluminum wiring, call The Ferrell Law Firm, P.C. for a free consultation. We do not charge a fee unless you make a monetary recovery. Call us today at (713)  800-0220.  We can help.